Our Advocacy

As a network, OPEJ is looking ahead to Oregon’s next long legislative session in 2025. We are learning and working together to grow our movement, build on progress, and champion solutions for a high-quality, racially just, and community-centered public education system.

Stay tuned for more.

Past Legislative Agendas

2022 Legislative Session

Oregon led the nation when it passed historic statewide K-12 Ethnic Studies standards with bipartisan support in 2017. But there was unfinished business: Oregon has a responsibility to provide the training and support that educators need and deserve to implement Ethnic Studies standards in the classroom.

In 2022, Oregon Partners for Education Justice advocated for House Bill 4112, urging lawmakers to invest in professional development opportunities that give educators the tools they need to teach Ethnic Studies in Oregon.

2021 Legislative Session

In 2021, Oregon Partners for Education Justice called on the Oregon Legislature to fully fund the landmark Student Success Act as a clear path toward prioritizing equity as a core value of Oregon’s public education system during and beyond COVID-19.

The network is also advocated for stronger support for a racially diverse educator workforce; greater transparency and accountability in how State School Fund dollars are spent; and increased investment in Oregon’s African American/Black, Latinx, and American Indian/Alaska Native Student Success Plans.

2020 Special Legislative Session

During a special legislative session addressing unprecedented budget shortfalls, Oregon Partners for Education Justice urged the Oregon Legislature to rebalance the state budget with investments that ensure all children—especially those historically underserved by our system—get the culturally sustaining care, connection, and learning they need and deserve through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

With Black, Indigenous, and children of color disproportionately bearing the brunt of school and child care closures, the organizations are urged Oregon legislators to keep the promise of the Student Success Act (SSA) and its historic commitment to equity and community partnership.

2023 Legislative Session

In 2023, Oregon Partners for Education Justice championed four critical steps to advance a high-quality, racially just, and community-centered public education system for every child.

These policies and investments included preparing Oregon educators to teach Ethnic Studies standards; increasing transparency and accountability in public school spending; improving how Oregon collects student race and ethnicity data; and investing in culturally responsive community-based summer learning programs.