2023 Legislative Agenda

Four Critical Steps to Advance a Racially Just & Community-Centered Public Education for Every Child

Every child in Oregon—no matter their identity, zip code, or circumstances—deserves the learning, love, and care they need to thrive. This community-driven legislative agenda outlines four critical steps we must now take to advance a high-quality, racially just, and community-centered public education system.

In 2023, the Oregon Legislature can make a difference in the lives of all children and families with these four policies and investments:

  • [SB 1050] Prepare Oregon Educators to Teach Ethnic Studies Standards

  • [HB 2710] Increase Transparency & Accountability in School Spending

  • [HB 3288] Standardize How Oregon Collects Student Race & Ethnicity Data

  • [SB 531] Invest in Community-Based, Culturally Responsive Summer Learning & After-School Programs

To build a modern and more effective public education system, Oregon needs courageous and collaborative leadership at every level. Schools and educators cannot and should not do this work alone. Policymakers and education leaders must work in partnership with local communities, parents, and families to create a learning ecosystem for Oregon that fulfills every child’s aspirations and needs.

Together, we can uphold Oregon’s commitment to equity and build a stronger public education system that works for all—including Black children, Indigenous children, children of color, immigrant and refugee children, children experiencing disability, low-income children, children in rural communities, and far too many more who are underserved by Oregon’s public education system today.

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Call to Action!

2023 Legislative Priorities

[Senate Bill 1050]
To Support High-Quality and Inclusive Learning for All Students, 
Prepare Oregon Educators to Teach Ethnic Studies

Oregon has a responsibility to provide educators with the tools they need to successfully implement statewide Ethnic Studies standards before they go into effect in 2026. Six years ago, the Oregon Legislature passed landmark Ethnic Studies standards with bipartisan support to ensure K-12 schools honor and integrate the rich and unique histories, contributions, and perspectives of traditionally underrepresented ethnic and social minority groups. With robust professional learning, Oregon educators can develop the inclusive curriculum and culturally responsive teaching practices needed to fulfill the promise of Ethnic Studies and meaningfully enrich all students’ learning.

Learn more about SB 1050 here.

TAKE ACTION: Urge your state legislators to vote YES on SB 1050 and invest in the culturally responsive training and support that Oregon educators need and deserve to successfully implement K-12 Ethnic Studies standards.

[House Bill 2710]
To Rebuild Public Trust in Oregon’s Public Education System, 
Increase Transparency & Accountability in School Spending

Currently, Oregon does not require school districts to uniformly track and report how they are spending public dollars from Oregon’s $9.3 billion dollar State School Fund to support local students. The State School Fund is Oregon’s largest investment in public education and the largest expenditure in our entire state budget. Every K-12 school district in Oregon receives State School Fund dollars annually through a weighted distribution formula, which allocates extra resources for certain underserved student populations. Not collecting information about how our state’s largest investment is spent reduces public trust in our education system and limits the impact of Oregon’s public education spending. With greater transparency, Oregon families, communities, school leaders, and policymakers can have a more accurate picture of how public education funding is currently spent, and partner to improve how Oregon invests to eliminate inequities and enhance all students’ learning experiences.

TAKE ACTION: Urge your state legislators to vote YES onHB 2710 and require Oregon school districts to uniformly track and report how they spend State School Fund dollars.

[House Bill 3288]
To Ensure Every Oregon Student Is Seen and Supported,
Standardize How Schools Collect Race & Ethnicity Data

While Oregon’s 197 school districts are required by state and federal law to collect and report race and ethnicity data about their student populations, the law does not require this information to be collected in a uniform or consistent way. At best, this disjointed approach can produce inaccurate data. At worst, it can cause students to be misrepresented and undercounted, which invisibilizes and ultimately denies critical funding and support to communities that have been historically marginalized and underserved by Oregon’s public education system. State leaders, school leaders, and communities need access to accurate demographic data about Oregon students to finally close unacceptable racial disparities in education.

Learn more about HB 3288 here.

TAKE ACTION: Urge your state legislators to vote YES on HB 3288 to improve and standardize how Oregon school districts collect and report student race and ethnicity demographic data.

[Senate Bill 531]
To Provide Year-Round Access to Holistic Learning for All Students,
Invest in Community-Based, Culturally Responsive Summer & After-School Programs

Oregon must make proactive and sustained investments in community-based organizations (CBOs) to provide high-quality, culturally responsive summer learning and after-school programming. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Oregon Legislature recognized the power of community-based learning by making two historic statewide investments in summer learning and enrichment programs. Since CBOs hold deep, trusted relationships with youth and families across the state, they were able to quickly use these funds to offer culturally responsive programs that boosted youth engagement, nurtured health and well-being, and accelerated learning. The positive impact of these programs is well-documented and undeniable, but a haphazard approach to these investments is unsustainable. To ensure all youth have access to holistic learning opportunities year-round, the Oregon Legislature must provide ongoing, stable, and accessible funding for community-based, culturally responsive summer learning and after-school programs statewide.

TAKE ACTION: Urge your state legislators to vote YES on SB 531 and make proactive and sustained investments in community-based and culturally responsive summer learning and after-school programs across Oregon.

We envision a racially just, community-centered public education system that supports every child with equitable access to safe, inclusive, and welcoming learning environments, ensuring all children in Oregon are empowered to grow into thriving global citizens.